Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bioluminescent Bay

Today was inceredible (I've been saying that everyday I'm sure). I got up to say goodbye to Danielle at 7 and she wasn't kidding about leaving at 7 becasue when I got up there at 7:03 she was gone. I was so upset and afraid that she would think that I didn't wake up to say goodbye, but by the grace of God she forgot her wallet and came back. IT was such a God moment. I even almost missed her the second time. I sprinted outside to say goodbye and I was teary eyed at the fact that she was leaving and because she for some reason had to come back. It was incredible. Then I worked out at ran my timed mile in the fastest time in a very long time which was also a God thing. I did not want to run it at all, but I just prayed the whole time and didn't even check my time between laps. I just praised God and kept my mind focused on Him and it was unreal how much quicker it went and how muc faster I ran it. That's what I need to do at school for my workouts. That's what audience of One is all about. I got to meet with Meredith today for discipleship which was great since I hadn't gotten to meet with her yet and it was again a divine appointment because I was able to give her advice from things that I had learned over this past year, which is my absolute favorite thing to do. 

Hands down my kingsighting for the day was sharing the gospel with a deaf woman. My group and I (okay mostly Macy because she knows spanish) had an entire conversation with her by writing back and forth. It was incredible to be able to converse with her despite the fact that we couldn't talk. It also just reminded me that God's plan and power is so big. He has the ability to make anything happen. The gospel is such a powerful thing. The evening was finished with yet another kingsighting as we swam in the bioluminescent bay. Basically this bay is filled with microorganisms that glow with movement so as you move in the water they glow, illuminating the water around you. It is hands down one of the most amazing things I have ever done. It's something that cannot be understood unless you experience it for yourself. The boat ride out there with thousands of stars overhead and the moon rising along the horizon followed by creatures that are so incredibly cool has God's signature all over it. No doubt He is the most amazing artist I have ever seen. There is no way that you can look up at the sky and not see His hand at work.

Tonight is our last night with our Puerto Rican friends so there's a solid chance that I won't be sleeping. Lots of caffeine for me!! 

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