Monday, May 25, 2015

Defending the Faith

Super exciting today to get to show off some moves! (Think more along the lines of middle school dance then OSU dance team) Somehow tonight ended in a full out dance party, which I loved since the rest of the time is running and playing other sports. Always nice to just dance a little (: We also had a photo scavenger hunt tonight around the campus which was awesome for some bonding with other students not in our small groups. It's amazing the crazy things that people come up with. There are tons of pictures from the scavenger hunt on the Puerto Rico Project facebook page, but I also added one of my group below! Today the lessons were about defending the faith and being able to tell people why you believe in God. If you haven't read More Than a Carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowel I highly recommend it. It's actually the same book that I offered to Eric on the airplane. 

Without a doubt the morning devotionals and quiet time right after have been my favorite part of the trip. Today we read Psalm 62:1-8 which really spoke to me. What really struck me is that God wants me to pour out my heart to him and him only. He simply desires that I tell him what is on my heart throught the day, trusting him moment by moment. Our hearts are to be like a fountain, pouring out consistently and continuously to Him. While praying I also thought of Proverbs 3:5-6. I am called to TRUST Him with everything and not to lean on my understanding. Not try to figure out what He's doing or why and certainly not do part of what He has called of me because I feel like my way may be a little but better. I need to TRUST that His plan is perfect and that I will see it worked out in due time. 

Our small group was such a blessing once again. The hearts that open and the struggles that we all have are so real. It's so comforting just to have people that are listening, and sometimes that's all you really need. God truly put us together because we all have such similar struggles in our lives. I also went on a walk with Macy, the staff member who is discipling me while I am here, and we got DRENCHED. As soon as we walked back into the dorm everyone just died laughing, but we were laughing too. 

Kingsighting: I think today I saw God the most through our impromptu dancing. We may not all speak the same language or have similar dance moves even, yet we can all come together and have fun and enjoy being silly together. It was so fun to see all of the Puerto Ricans and even some of the more shy Americans jumping in there and having a blast. God allows us to find joy in one another and I just thought of the joy he must experience in seeing His children be joyful together. 

Prayer Requests: Prayers for students who have already had injuries and illnesses. Pary that he keeps everyoen healthy and heals the broken quickly. I would also love if you could pray for composure and confidence as I begin leading small groups on my own tomorrow, getting to do more as an intern than just set up dinner and take photos (: 

Where I sat today doing my devotional and where I'm sitting writing this (:

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